Information about hospitals available for intern training in Jeddah
About 8-12 intern students are accepted every rotation.
The radiology department has a geat variety of imaging modalities with highly qualified supervisors.
The hospital departments include; ER, pediatrics, obs.&gyn.,OR, surgery, medicine....
2-National Guard Hospital
They accept 4 intern students every year, better to spend the whole year there.
Good quality of training and supervision.
They accept 6 intern students every year.Students MUST spend the whole year at the hospital.High quality of training and machines.
4-King Fahd Armed Forces Hospital
Two intern students are accepted every year for 6 months or the whole year.
High quality of training and committment.
5- King Fahd General Hospital
No limited number of students is required.
6-First Scan Private Radiology Center
Of Dr.Sattam Lingawi, consultant radiologist, KAUH.He accepted 1 or 2 highly qualified intern students every rotation
7- Other private hospitals in Jeddah